All residents and staff at all nine Coate Water Care homes have had their COVID-19 vaccines and the homes are a safe environment for new residents.
Furthermore, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England, has been carrying out special inspections to make sure care homes are COVID-compliant.
The aim is to ensure homes are doing everything possible to keep their residents safe, including looking at the infection control and prevention measures in place. There are no ratings for these inspections but Coate Water Care are delighted to share some of the CQC comments.
Avebury House Care Centre in Devizes, Wiltshire
The CQC found the following examples of good practice.
There were plentiful supplies and stocks of personal protective equipment (PPE) available to staff. PPE stations had been established throughout the first floor to help ensure staff had access to it when required.
There were clear procedures and risk assessments for people, staff and visitors which had been developed to maintain good practice in relation to infection control and to provide safe care.
Risk assessments would be tailored to the specific needs of people on admission. Admissions from hospital would take place following a thorough assessment and coronavirus testing.
People's temperatures would be taken on admission and daily throughout their stay. If people showed any symptoms, they would be required to isolate for up to 14 days. People would be tested fortnightly.
Staff would be tested regularly for coronavirus using a nasal swab test and the quicker lateral flow test. Staff would have daily temperature checks and self-isolate if positive or if they were symptomatic.
Changes had been made to the home environment to help promote social distancing and reduce the risk of cross contamination. Furniture in the communal areas had been arranged to provide more space and ensure people were seated at a safe distance.
Staff training in infection control and personal protective equipment (PPE) was up-to-date. This included correct procedures to put on and take off PPE and dispose of correctly.
The provider had appropriate infection control policies and procedures in place. These had been developed in line with current government guidance and fully implemented in the service.
Westley Court Care Home in Worcestershire
The CQC found the following examples of good practice.
On arrival visitors were screened for symptoms of COVID-19 and their temperatures recorded. The checks will help to ensure visits take place safely in line with current guidance.
Plastic computer key board covers had been purchased following a review of infection control working practices. This meant shared keyboards could be effectively cleaned with antiseptic wipes between use to mitigate cross infection.
Computer tablets were being used to support people to keep in touch with their relatives and friends via video calls. Individual assessments had been completed for people requiring home visits, for example receiving end of life care.
Staff taking breaks were limited to two at a time. Separate rest rooms had been set up in the home to ensure social distancing could be accommodated, avoided staff mixing between floors and reduced risk of cross infection.
In addition to a weekly audit of infection prevention and control, the provider also had a supplementary daily audit completed.
The home adhered to government guidance when disposing of clinical waste and the management of laundry.
Arbory Residential Home in Hampshire
The CQC found the following examples of good practice.
We were assured that the provider was preventing visitors from catching and spreading infections.
We were assured that the provider was meeting shielding and social distancing rules.
We were assured that the provider was admitting people safely to the service.
We were assured that the provider was using PPE effectively and safely.
We were assured that the provider was accessing testing for people using the service and staff.
We were assured that the provider was promoting safety through the layout and hygiene practices of the premises.
We were assured that the provider was making sure infection outbreaks can be effectively prevented or managed.
We were assured that the provider's infection prevention and control policy was up to date.
To find out more about any of Coate Water Care’s nine care homes or to book a viewing please contact our friendly Welcome Team on 01793 821200.